How the Burger Industry can be changed with Triangular Burgers

by Nick Cumbo

Posted on January 9, 2018 at 2:03 AM

Triangular Burgers

The burger industry is one of the most consistent food industry in the US. The explosion of spices and seasonings and the customization of crazy toppings has evolved the industry to always stay reliable and relevant. Endless toppings and savory spices are cool and all, but have you ever seen a triangular shaped burger? Yes, the picture above is it but without a google image, have you ever seen one in person?

Burger-lovers from all over the world are always drawn to unique types of burgers. Triangular burgers are the next check on their bucket list.

With the lack of data supporting triangular burgers, there are no risks to starting a unique and maybe even better brand. Not only is the customization of the burger shape a cool attribute, you could still top or season the burger off with anything you desire.

I believe by the year 2031, we will live in a world where triangular burgers are a norm. Instead of MJ vs Lebron debates, it will be triangular vs circular burger debates. And if we’re really lucky, maybe rectangular burgers will be the Kobe in this debate.